The Tree of Life, Terrence Malick's new film, is receiving good reviews from its screening at the Cannes Film Festival. The film centers around a family in the 1950s, specifically focusing on the eldest son. As time goes by the audience is witness to the attitude and personality that develops from the eldest son's upbringing. The film stars Brad Pitt as the father of the family and Sean Penn is the personification of the eldest son as a man.
Terrence Malick is a well respected name in the film community as a director even though he only has a six credits to his name with one at least one film in development. Malick's credits also include writing the films he has directed besides a few others. One of the things that you will notice in a Malick film is that he cares a lot about the aesthetics of each shot in his film and it looks like Tree of Life will be no different.
Justin Chang of Variety is quoted as saying "Result is pure-grade art cinema destined primarily for the delectation of Malick partisans and adventurous arthouse-goers, but with its cast names and see-it-to-believe-it stature, this inescapably divisive picture could captivate the zeitgeist for a spell."
Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Report is quoted with "Brandishing an ambition it's likely no film, including this one, could entirely fulfill, The Tree of Life is nonetheless a singular work, an impressionistic metaphysical inquiry into mankind's place in the grand scheme of things that releases waves of insights amid its narrative imprecisions."
So I look forward to seeing this film next month as soon as it comes to my area.
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