Skins is a show about a group of friends that hang out, party and deal with the small stuff on an everyday basis. The premise in itself is not very original at all because just about any teen show sounds like that but the thing is that Skins has already been a show on BBC running for 5 seasons (or series as they call it across the ocean). From what I have understood the premiere episode of the MTV version which airs tonight is pretty identical to pilot of the original and from what I have seen from the commercials there may only be small differences that set them apart from the original. Currently the only things that I can catch that are different are that the names of the characters have changed, one of the characters that was in the original show (the character is Cassie in the original show ) who was a blond haired Caucasian girl will be played by a light skinned African American girl (I think the character name was changed to Cadie) and from what I can tell it appears that the gay character in the original show (Maxie) was either written out or changed into a lesbian character (Tea). In the end the pilot episode will tell all about whether it could be accepted or not. If you are interested in watching the original Skins can be rented on Netflix in either the DVD format or streaming.
To read up on the original Skins and the MTV version of skins:
Imdb Skins original MTV Skins
Websites Skins original MTV Skins
Then there is the new Sci Fi series Being Human. It looks neat and a total thing that Sci Fi would do; A vampire and werewolf become roommates with a ghost and they must deal with how they will try to blend in on the everyday scale of things. Then as I was looking this progam on imdb I stumbled across the original version of the show. Low and behold Being Human was also a BBC television show that lasted two seasons (series) on television with the exact same concept but named that characters had different names. It was a little frustrating to see it. With the new version coming out tonight and me only finding out about the original today I don't know how similar the shows will be so, I will be adding the original to my Netflix DVD queue and will not be able to further explain it until later.
For reading material on both versions
Website Being Human original Being Human SyFy
Imdb Being Human original Being Human SyFy
Website Shameless BBC Shameless Showtime
Imdb Shameless BBC Shameless Showtime
Please leave your opinions on any of these shows below
Update Jan 21: The pilot episode of the Showtime's version of Shameless is currently not available on
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