Guns, death and a little girl that is "too big for her britches", no it is not The Professional (even though in the broadest terms it sounds exactly like that) it is the new Coen Brothers film True Grit. The film which is widely discussed as a remake of a film by the same name from 1969 only actually credits the novel written by .
Even though the film does share a name with the 60s version of the film I have a feeling that they are fairly different from one another, I have yet to see the other film. Jeff Bridges stars at the U.S. Marshall Cogburn hired by a little girl named Maddy Ross hunt down the man that killed her father. Also on the trail of the killer is a Texas ranger by the name of LaBeouf (pronounce La beef). Does the small ragtag team have what it takes to take down a killer or will they die trying?
Jeff Bridges stars as the Marshall Cogburn, a sure of himself man that even though he upholds the law, some people aren't so sure of his methods. Bridges dazzles in this film which resembles somewhat a cowboy version of his Oscar winning performance as "Bad Blake" in Crazy Heart.
Matt Damon continues to show his versatility as an actor and possible character actor when needed. As the character LaBeouf he is a bit of a story teller that is impressed by his position and puts much pride behind it. With his Texan sounding accent and other incidents that come along his way to continue changing his personality and character traits.
Even though the film didn't have any Golden Globe nominations I think that there is still a chance of seeing a Oscar nomination.
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